The St. Andrew Men’s Club has been a part of the St. Andrew community dating back to the 1970s. During this time the men’s club has sponsored several religious retreats and fundraisers to support the St. Andrew community, for example, serving coffee and donuts after mass, cooking a pancake breakfast, and bingo just to name a few. The Men’s club has supported the church as well as the school with many different projects such as painting the church, installing the fence around the campus, pavers for outside the church, technology whiteboards for the school, stage curtains, and the sound system for the auditorium and the list goes on. There have been many members that have come and gone, however, the true purpose of this ministry has remained the same, support the St. Andrew community in whatever is needed.
Requirements are simple: meet with us monthly to help determine what the needs of our parish are and they will be presented to the Pastor for consideration.

The Men’s Club serves the community by offering coffee and donuts after 8:30 AM mass on Sundays. Join us in the gift of hospitality we share with old and new alike.