Preparation for First Reconciliation & First Communion
In addition to attending Sunday Faith Formation sessions and attending Sunday Mass, children, youth, and adults preparing for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Communion must attend preparation sessions some Wednesdays.

Attendance at First Reconciliation & First Communion Sessions
Attendance at all sacramental preparation sessions is mandatory.
If unable to attend a session, please contact Kathy Morgan or Martha Lushman-Zayas.
There are 5 sessions for First Reconciliation second-year preparation and 5 sessions for First Communion second-year. All sessions will be on Wednesdays. All sacramental preparation sessions are mandatory.
When registering your child to receive First Communion, you must submit their baptism certificate. If they were baptized at St. Andrew, you do not need to do this–just indicate on the form that they were baptized at St. Andrew.
Your child will not move up to their second year of First Communion until we receive their baptism certificate.
The Sacrament of First Communion includes preparing for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. Those preparing to receive their First Communion must have their first confession prior to receiving their First Communion. There are five sessions for preparation for First Reconciliation. These sessions will be in late Spring.
According to the Catholic Church, children should receive the Sacrament of First Communion at the age of reason. While the custom has been that children in second grade are of the age of reason, there is no hard-and-fast rule for determining the age of reason: it is a judgment call on the part of parents, pastors, and teachers—the ones who know the child the best to determine when the child is ready to celebrate the Sacrament.
First Communion begins with children in second grade or above and it is at minimum a two-year process depending on the maturity of the child and their knowledge and understanding of the Sacrament. If the child, youth, adult knows their prayers, attends Mass regularly and has an age-appropriate understanding of the Sacrament, the Catechist will recommend them for celebration of the Sacrament at the end of the second year. If not, the child, youth, adult will be asked to prepare for an additional year. First Communion is celebrated in the summer of the second year of preparation. Children should be in third grade or higher.

First Communion Preparation for Children in Catholic School
Preparation for First Communion for children attending Catholic School is a one-year process if the children:
- have continuously been in Catholic School for the last two years.
- attend Sunday Mass regularly.
- attend Sunday Faith Formation sessions during their year of preparation.
- attend all Wednesday sessions for First Reconciliation and First Communion during the year of preparation.
- submit all necessary paperwork including baptism certificate.
Sunday Mass attendance, Sunday Faith Formation sessions, and Wednesday/Saturday (Confirmation only) Sacramental Preparation classes are mandatory for the preparation of the Sacrament.